Due to the Queensland COVID-19 lockdown the Infectious store at Kunda Park will be open for kerbside pick up only starting from Wednesday the 30th June. Therefore our storefront and fittings rooms will be closed during the lockdown.

To arrange kerbside pick up of your order please call us on 1300 661 475

Infectious clothing company queensland covid-19 lockdown update

For any of our local customers we encourage you to shop online and have your order shipped to your home or place of work.

Our online scrub store will remain open for business and we do not anticipate any interruptions to our service. Our warehouse staff will be socially distanced throughout their shift and all other staff members will work from home.

For our warehouse team we have implemented the following measures for their safety:

- Up to date information on COVID-19 have been shared with them including signs, symptoms and what actions to be taken if they become unwell.
- All team members have access to their own hand sanitiser station and soap
- Posters are displayed informing all staff on correct hand washing and respiratory hygiene
- Each staff member has their own station and area of the warehouse.
- Conducting daily cleaning of work stations
- Keeping everyone informed of any new development via WHO and QLD Health updates
- For further information please see the Queensland Health Website here  

We thank you for your cooperation and patience during this time and if you have any questions feel free to reach us on 1300 661 475 or at info@infectious.com.au

Thank you,
The Infectious Team

Infectious believes in exception customer service and experience. Our customers receive quick and accurate notifications around all details of their order. If we see any issues such as mismatching products or colours we will reach our and recommend matching products to solve the issue. The Infectious customer service team is easily contactable via phone, email, live chat, contact forms and social messaging. If you need any information that you can't find on our online scrubs store - just ask! Our aim is to have satisfied and loyal customers. New Zealand Scrubs


June 29, 2021 — Sabina Kath